Quarterly Return Monthly Payment Scheme.
(A) Eligibility for the Scheme:- Following Persons are eligible for the Scheme. 1) A registered person who is required to furnish a return in FORM GSTR-3B . AND 2) Who has an aggregate turnover of up to 5 crore rupees in the preceding financial year . However in case the aggregate turnover exceeds 5 crore rupees during any quarter in the current financial year, the registered person shall not be eligible for the Scheme from the next quarter. (B) Exercising option for QRMP Scheme:- In order to exercise this option, the registered person must have furnished the last return, as due on the date of exercising such option. Register Persons can opt in or opt out of the scheme as follows:- Q1 (April –May - June):- 1st February to 30th April. Q2 (July – August – September):- 1st May to 31st July. Q3 (October – November – December):- 1st August to 31st October. Q4 (Jan...